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Date archive for: August 2011

If you wouldn’t pay for my app, your pricing advice is worthless

What price should I charge people for using my app? It’s a pretty basic question, and one fundamental to your business: charge too little, and people won’t use your service. Charge too much, and you’ll have the same problem.

But – and there’s always a but – if you’re taking pricing advice from people who will never pay for your service, you’re making a big mistake. Continue reading If you wouldn’t pay for my app, your pricing advice is worthless

Failing Fast Is Not Fun, Satisfying or Pleasant

One principle behind developing web apps is that you should aim to fail fast, meaning that if your idea isn’t working out, it’s better that you find out it’s not viable before you invest a lot of time and effort in it. The problem is: it’s not always easy to give up on your dreams.

This is what is currently happening with CampaignBar, a tool that I very much believe in, but that has not brought in a single paltry cent. Continue reading Failing Fast Is Not Fun, Satisfying or Pleasant